Streptococcus pyogenes streptococci cocci means - round or spherical shaped bacteria streptos means - twisted or coiled in appearance the name pyogenes is given because it is found in suppurative lesions ( that is pus-forming diseases) Therefore the name streptococci pyogenes. FEATURES - either aerobic, facultative anaerobes or obligate anaerobes - aerobic and facultative anaerobes alone have hemolytic properties - based on the hemolytic properties we have alpha, beta and gamma bacteria -the alpha bacteria show partial hemolysis therefore a green discoloration is seen -the beta hemolytic bacteria show complete hemolysis and colorless zone is seen in the blood agar culture medium - whereas the gamma type of bacteria does not show any hemolytic properties and are non-hemolytic T he beta hemolytic streptococci are again divided into 20 groups by Lancefield and these 20 groups are classified based on these C carbohydr...
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